Thursday, April 30, 2009

Exercise good, food not so good

I've had a weird day foodwise.

Missed having breakfast because I wasn't hungry when I woke up and according to Paul McKenna I should only eat when I'm hungry. So went to work and was hungry on the way home so stopped at the shop and bought a roll. Problem is I didn't stop when I was full and scoffed the whole thing as well as 2 small sausage rolls!

Went back to work and managed to refrain from the hoards of chocolate and other crap food constantly on offer (actually it was no effort to refrain, I had no interest in it).

Came home and had a low fat cheese toastie on ciabetta with pesto before heading out to work again.

Went to the gym and ran 2.5k. Then to my sisters for a roast lamb dinner and a slice of rhubarb tart for dessert and I scoffed the lot.

Not such a good day following the Paul McKenna plan. Just can't seem to snap into it yet, but will keep trying.

Also drank loads of water today which is good for my skin!

And a good day for exercise (my legs are gonna hurt tomorrow!)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

So I went to the gym and managed to run 2k without stopping at 8k an hour. Am delighted with myself. Well on target for my 3k the weekend after next. Found the first 15 minutes grand, it was the last minute that was a killer but that's massive progress considering I struggled to just run up the stairs a few weeks ago!

Now I just need to get control over my eating. Onwards and Upwards!!!

My Goals

OK So for my blog here are my goals.

Weight Loss

To lose 38lbs in total and/or to fit into size 12 clothes.

To get a handle on my eczema and psoriasis by including more fruit and vegetables in my diet and drinking a lot more water.

To be able to run 5k
To complete the mini marathon (10k) on the 1st June in 90 minutes
To run 3k of the 5k road race on 9th May

Weight Loss Inspiration Tips

I am going to do this now.

Weight Loss Inspiration Tips #1: Know Your Goals!
How many times have you heard this? How many more times do you need to hear this before it sinks in? If you do not have a reason to lose weight, you never will. It should be to get yourself healthy, but more often than not there are other reasons. A high school reunion? A wedding? Looking good in a swim suit? Whatever the reasons are, you must recognize them as motivating factors to reach your weight loss goals. Just knowing you have identified them can be enough to make you think twice before opening that bag of Doritos.

Weight Loss Inspiration Tips #2: Write Down Your Goals
If knowing what your weight loss goals are is the only key to success, more people would be fit and healthy. Find one of those ancient writing tools called a pencil and grab a piece of paper while you are at it. Now write down your goals for losing weight. Do not type them into your computer. Why not? Tip #3 will explain the main reason why, but besides that something magic happens when you physically write on paper. Your ideas become a solid reality. You now have proof that you want to accomplish something.

Weight Loss Inspiration Tips #3: Take Time To Remind
This is why you need to write your goals on a piece of paper. You should have your goals with you at all times, and you can not put a computer into your pocket! Well, if you count text messaging on your phone, I suppose it is possible...but you will have to shuffle through all kinds of messages to retrieve them and they will get lost. It is much more productive to see your own handwriting in front of you than computer text. You will feel more accountable for your actions and in the process you will rejuvenate your inspiration to stay on track with your weight loss program.

Weight Loss Inspiration Tips #4: Copy Success
Knowing that others have succeeded can help you visualize your own success. Stories and testimonials of those who have achieved exactly what you want will inspire you to follow in their footsteps. Weight loss has the power to change people's lives. What actions did they take? How many times did they fall and get back up again? What weight loss supplements worked for them? All the positive results these people experienced can be your own blueprint to success.

Weight Loss Inspiration Tips #5: Look Ahead
Do not let the failures of your past dictate how your future will be. Everyone has the power to change and reinvent themselves on a daily basis. So you failed every time you ever tried to lose weight before? Big deal! What are you going to do today and tomorrow to change your track record? No one can succeed without failure anyway. Use your painful moments as a springboard for your future success instead of letting it keep you down. Just like you can follow the blueprints of other peoples success, make sure your own mistakes are not obstacles anymore. You know what to avoid, so take a new path!

4 simple rules and that's all I need apparently

The weight gain in recent months has been taken to a whole new level. I've eaten like it's going out of fashion and it's really starting to show. The thoughts of doing Weightwatchers or anything like that really turns me off so I've decided to give Paul McKenna a try and will see how I get on.

It starts now.

Here's the 4 golden rules.

1. Eat whenever I'm hungry.
2. Eat whatever I want.
3. Eat consciously.
4. Stop When I'm Full.

I also need to get moving. I'm training for the mini marathon so have started running so hopefully this will help to speed up the weight loss. Going to aim for 5k in the gym today running at least 2k of that.

Need to drink more water.

Starting weight: 13st 8lbs (HOLY CRAP HOW THE HELL DID THAT HAPPEN!)
BMI: 28.1

My skin is in rag order, everything about me is suffering as a result of my poor eating habits. I am determined to turn my life around and it starts NOW. Off to the gym at 3pm to do my training for the mini marathon and going to spend the evening reading the Paul McKenna book for inspiration.

Goal: 11st (-36lbs)
Target Date: 1st September 2009